Writing Tip Week. We're Always in the Mood to Learn More Stuff.
July takes us into a great time to discuss sequel writing, trilogy writing, and that all included writing series project sitting on our back burners.
See what LoRee Peery, our resident author has to say and be sure to drop in and leave YOUR thoughts on the matter.
Sequel, Trilogy, and Beyond = Writing a Series
By LoRee Peery
When I began working on Moselle’s
Insurance, the first story in the Frivolities Series, I had no idea I was embarking
on an adventure. My focus was on Moselle’s reunion with Eric, and the kooky
shop her mother Geneva and aunt Lanae had established. Fellow writers and crit
partners commented along the way how much they enjoyed the secondary characters
(future, older heroines). And one writer friend really liked the hero’s
Have you ever tucked such remarks away, as I did?
The notes for Moselle’s Insurance made it easier for me to create a sequel when the secondary characters starting crying out for their own stories to be told.
Something sparked when I typed Eric’s friend Rainn saying,
“If the daughter looks anything like the mother, you’ve got a good thing going
here.” From then on, Geneva became flustered in Rainn’s presence and I took
notes for the next story. Writing Lanae saying he could rain on her parade, I
had the second title: Rainn on My Parade.
Author Delia Latham said she originally pitched only the
first book in the Solomon's Gate (the Christian dating agency) Series. At
that time, Destiny's Dream was completed. She had the next titles, Kylie's
Kiss and Gypsy's Game. She
realized writing a pre-contracted series (she had eight months to complete the
next two books) made the writing easier,
because she works best under pressure.
Delia’s tips: CHART and PRAY A LOT --
A 3-foot cork board hangs on the wall beside her desk. She printed out the
detailed chart and push-pinned it onto that cork board, which made all vital
information available at her fingertips when she ran into questions.
I created a Frivolities trilogy with Sage and Sweetgrass, which evolved once I finished Geneva and
Rainn’s story. And, I have to admit how easy the words often flowed because I
knew Lanae so well after presenting her in two earlier stories. What romance
reader doesn’t like a cowboy? For Lanae’s backstory, I’d already placed her on
a ranch with her deceased husband, so I really didn’t consider anyone else but
a cowboy, haunted by his past, as a match for her.
A call for submissions on a
writers’ loop prompted Author Mary Manners, who actually
dreamed all four stories in her first series, The Sweet Treats Bakery. Mary
went to bed one night thinking about the series and profoundly, “Woke up and
immediately wrote down all I could remember. I had heard of that happening with
other writers, but had never experienced anything like it myself. It was
amazing. (My husband thought I had lost my mind).” She is currently working on
her fourth series.
Mary's tips: Keep a NOTEBOOK based on theme. Select appropriate BIBLE VERSES. Link TITLES to theme. Name CHARACTERS -- hero, heroine, children. She then writes the SYNOPSIS for each. Mary pictures a bike wheel: hub, spokes and rubber tire. When she gets stuck, she refreshes her mind by running or mowing the lawn.
As for me, I went beyond the trilogy with Beth, the ex-wife from the first story, who kept popping up in my thoughts. She was introduced in the first story as Moselle and Eric’s high school friend, a wild child. She metamorphosed into a likable soul, and romantic suspense lover that I am, I came up with a more detailed, darker history for her. I’d also always wanted to write about wolves. Found in the Woods, edgy with suspense elements, is scheduled for release July 27, 2012
According to Author Tanya Hanson, The Hearts Crossing Ranch series,
based on a contest, was the first time she contracted on short synopsis. She
called it a leap of faith by the editors. One of the contest rules was that the
hero had to be one of eight siblings. So her imagination started ideas about
the other seven Martin men, who all had an important role at the ranch.
tip: KEEP DETAILS STRAIGHT. She claims to be disorganized, and if she writes
another series, plans to use Post-It notes all over the wall.
Series writing comes about in varied ways. Some authors
begin with building the setting as a location or a world, with related
characters. Others “see” the whole thing ahead of time, with a common theme,
and add their characters chronologically. Some stories are stand-alone novels,
others end with an obvious invitation to go on to the next book to complete the
picture. Theme and recurring characters flow from one to the next as individual
writers weave a story question and goal into each book, or intertwine them is
such a way that the whole series has the same story question.
As for Frivolities, a series which has linked characters, I
wasn’t ready to leave these strong women alone. Since writing a novella was on
my goals list for 2011, I wrote Lezlie’s
Lifeline. Lezlie is Sage’s daughter, who had kept her son’s father a
secret. Her story has been contracted with White Rose Publishing as a future
dollar download.
Writing books in a series reminds me of the comfort of
sliding into a favorite pair of worn blue jeans at summer’s end, or putting on
house slippers after being in heels all day. Familiar. And I am thankful to the
editors at Pelican Book Group for availing that familiarity to readers.
As a reader or writer, what do you prefer? Series or Saga reading or writing or those Stand Alone masterpieces? Drop us a line and let us know your thoughts.
LoRee Peery writes Christian romance, where characters learn
through spiritual struggles how to come to terms with the Lord’s will. She is a
country girl who attempts to see God’s presence every day. That glimpse often
comes as a gift from nature. LoRee is most relaxed in the outdoors.
www.loreepeery.com http://www.pelicanbookgroup.com/ec/