Her heart. His faith. Love
With her marriage over and her
mother fading fast, Lexi's heart is a fortress. Can a handsome author's faith
find the key?
Forty-three-year-old Lexi
Carlisle’s abusive marriage ended three years ago. Deeply scarred by the
experience, and helplessly watching her beloved mother succumb to Alzheimers,
Lexi is devastated. After selling her fancy home, she rents a cottage in Heart’s
Haven, a special place unlike any other. Slowly learning to live again, she
despairs of ever delivering the message of love that burns within her heart for
her ever-worsening mother. But Mitch Gaynor, a handsome Christian author,
reminds Lexi that with God all things are possible, planting within her
battered and distrustful heart the seed of hope for a miracle. But can she open
her fortressed heart to God? And is Mitch a part of His plans for her future?
knew that God had given her a mega-dose of beauty she wasn’t even aware she
possessed, but any fool with decent eyesight could see that. He knew her
husband deserved to be lassoed to the meanest bull in Texas and dragged clear
across the state. Mitch had no use for a man who would mistreat a
woman—especially one like Lexi. Even Malinda had only good things to say about
her, and for Malinda, that was a big thing.
also knew that Lexi’s no-good excuse of a husband had divorced her three years
ago, in favor of some young thing he’d no doubt treat exactly as he’d treated
with Todd Carlisle out of the picture and already married to someone else,
Mitch was acutely aware that he was free to act on his attraction for the
lovely woman who now stood in Mrs. Martin’s doorway, staring at him as if he’d
grown another head right before her big green eyes.
fact, he couldn’t think of one good reason he hadn’t done that already.
Except…well, doggone it, the woman all but radiated a “no trespassing”
panoply of expressions chased one another across Lexi’s face. Curiosity battled
with concern…and something else. Mitch considered himself a more-than-passable
reader of people, and unless he’d lost his touch, he was looking at a whole
heckuva lot of distrust.
didn’t quite like him, and certainly didn’t trust him.
way too handsome.
Lexi raked the man’s chiseled features with a sharp gaze. Men are either
nice or handsome. Rarely both. And it’s easy to see which category Mitch Gaynor
falls into.
acid tone seemed to have no effect on him. He stood at ease, one finger marking
his place in the novel. His eyes tracked her like a hunter might watch a
particularly skittish prey—not quite ready to put a bullet in the poor animal,
but determined not to let it escape.
she was nobody’s prey. Not anymore.
asked what you’re doing here with my mother, Mr. Gaynor.”
lips twitched annoyingly, and she realized her slip of the tongue. Now he knew
that she knew who he was. Oh, well. She hiked both brows in what she hoped was
a suitably challenging expression.
held up the book. “I’m reading to her, Ms. Carlisle.”
he recognized her, as well. From Angel Hair, of course, since—unlike him—she
wasn’t famous for anything at all.
was actually able to figure that out on my own. Why are you reading to
her irritation, a teasing grin appeared on that movie-cowboy face.
yes, this guy was far too handsome, with a body to match—not that Lexi
noticed—and downright cocky to boot!
Learn why Delia wrote this book
I wrote Lexi's Heart
when it became clear that Heart's Haven

I don't claim to be any kind
of medical professional, or to have close personal experience with Alzheimers,
but I have seen how painful and devastating it can be. I pray that
Lexi's story will be a blessing to someone who is going through such a
situation. If Lexi's story can brighten their day and make them
smile, then I will consider Lexi's Heart a wildly successful
If you'd like to get your name in for the random drawing to win one of Delia's recent books, Jewels for the Kingdom - her first Heart's Haven book - in the winner's choice of format (Kindle, Nook, PDF), be sure to take a moment to respond to one of the questions below, leaving your name and email address.
Ms.Latham would also like to extend an invitation to the Facebook release party for Lexi's Heart on Friday, May 3rd.
Mother's Day is fast
approaching. If you're still blessed to have your mother with you, how will you
honor her this year on Mother's Day?
If your mother, like mine,
has already gone to be with the Lord, will you do something to honor her memory
this year?
Are you a mother? What is the
best gift you could be given on Mother's Day?
Looking forward to hearing from you this week