Deliah: I'm a wife, mother and grandmother who also happens to be a writer of inspirational fiction. But my most important identity is that of Child of the King and heir to the throne!
My turn: What's this I hear about a new endeavor?
Delia: Which endeavor is that? I recently became an AVON Independent
Sales Representative, and I also recently dreamed up a huge contest to promote my new book, Goldeneyes.
My turn: Ah...the lady who has all kinds of surprises for us, yes?
My turn: Ah...the lady who has all kinds of surprises for us, yes?
Delia: We'll talk about The Big Goldeneyes Contest first. With the support of a number of wonderful sponsors, I've been able to put together some absolutely unbelievable monthly prizes for the seven month period of June through December 2008. Prize packages may include, but are not limited to...Bibles, gorgeous leather journals, quality writing instruments and gold tiger's eye jewelry (in honor of my book's title). Any month with less than seven entrants (Can you tell I like that number?) will be considered invalid and no prize will be awarded. So...send everyone you know on over to the contest and have them bring their sister, mother and three aunts with them! LOL
My turn: Wow! How does it work?
Delia: Here's the skinny:
1. The entry form contains seven questions, all related to the Goldeneyes storyline. Entrants are welcome to guess at the
answers if they choose to, but....only those entries with five or more correctly answered questions will actually make it into the drawing at the end of each month.
1. The entry form contains seven questions, all related to the Goldeneyes storyline. Entrants are welcome to guess at the
answers if they choose to, but....only those entries with five or more correctly answered questions will actually make it into the drawing at the end of each month.
2. The questions will change each month.
3. Entering the contest grants me permission to add the entrant to my e-mailing list, and to announce their name on my website if they win.
My turn: That sounds pretty extensive! How can people find out more about it?
Delia: The are some other bits and pieces of information, all of which are available on my website: www.delialatham.com.
My turn: And did I hear something about AVON CALLING the other day?
Delia: ...the other endeavor. Truth is, I needed a little income to help market Goldeneyes. And to be truthful, I kinda sorta wanted to be able to purchase my own cosmetics, since makeup simply is not my husband's "thing." AVON just seemed to be a natural choice...it's been around longer than I have, everyone's familiar with it, it's reputation has already been earned, and it pretty much "sells itself." So here I am selling beauty products while I market Goldeneyes, search out an agent, and write the next book!
My turn: Wow! How do you find the time to both write and sell?
Delia: AVON makes that pretty easy. I'm signed up as an eRepresentative, which means a large portion of my sales are done via my AVON website: www.yourAVON.com/delialatham. Customers can order from the website and have their products delivered right to their doors. It doesn't get much easier than that, which is a huge plus in today's busy-busy-busy world! Of course, I do still have some customers who prefer old-fashioned, face-to-face contact with their representative - and that's okay, too. I need to be pulled outside of my head now and then! :)
My turn: Now to ask my blogging question of the month which is why I call this place A PEN FOR YOUR THOUGHTS! Delia, what is your greatest advice to the women of the 21st Century?
Delia: We are without a doubt the most privileged group of women in history, the most respected, and definitely the most active in the career world. We make more money and have more to show for it than any previous era. I guess my advice to this generation of women would be...don't forget to thank God for all of it. The freedom, the money, the careers, the respect, the places of honor, the ability to choose what you want to do and the liberty to do it...all of those things were hard-earned by previous generations of women, and God opened the doors to make it all possible. While we're being increasingly embraced into what once was predominantly a man's world, let's not forget that we are STILL WOMEN! As such, we have a God-given role to play, and I for one do not believe that includes forfeiting our femininity. Be womanly. Be A woman. Don't lose the softness that title implies while trying to be tough enough to hold your own in society. And last but not least...strive to be beautiful - inside and out.
My turn: That's great advice, Delia, and one well worth remembering. I wish you the best in your new endeavors and much success with Goldeneyes. Thanks for being here with us.